Our more than 300 employees ensure clean, healthy and safe working environments for our customers every day
Become part of our team
Partneren is always looking for reliable and skilled employees. We embrace diversity and welcome everybody. We employ a broad group of employees, which includes service personnel, managers and specialists. You are welcome to send an application by filling in the form below. Please note that we will only contact you, if we see a direct match between your profile and an open position.
Partneren offers all new employees thorough training and instruction. As professional cleaning is an industry in constant development, you will be continuously trained in the use of machines, cleaning chemicals, working methods, ergonomics etc. Should you get special tasks, we will, of course, also make sure that you are well prepared and able to deal with these too.
Wage agreement
Partneren is a member of Servicebranchens Arbejdsgiverforening (SBA) and have acceded agreements with DI/SBA, 3F Privat Service and Serviceforbundet. This means that all service staff at Partneren will get paid according to prevailing union agreements including pension as well as health insurance.
Available positions
We are currently looking for:
Cleaning assistants, both full time, part time and holiday substitutes.
Crew for events evening/weekends.
Use the job form below if you are quality-conscious and service-minded and want to become part of our committed team, where we look after each other and everyone joins in to create a good working environment. Also see any available positions on Jobindex here >.
We are regularly looking for reliable and skilled employees. You are very welcome to submit an unsolicited application using the following job form. Please note that we will only contact you in the event that we have a vacancy that matches your profile. Your application is stored for 6 months, after which it is deleted.
All fields marked with * are required